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It's a blog about chemistry in our daily life. Anything you eat,drink or used is here. There are a lot more that you don't know about chemistry in your daily routine of life.


Sunday 5 June 2011

Arsenic 'The Inheritance Powder'

The element arsenic is a p block element in the periodic table. Being a p block element, it is grouped in group 15 period 4. It has an outer valence electron of 5.

The Inheritance Powder
Talking about arsenic, here is an interesting story about it. You know why arsenic was being called ‘the inheritance powder’? This is because it is a kind of poison and usually add to grandfather‘s wine to hasten his death so that his grandchildren can inherit his estate! Sounds like arsenic is such an evil thing huh? 

Actually elemental arsenic is not that harmful. The poison is consisting of an arsenic compound. The common one to use in poison is actually arsenic(III) oxide, As2O3, a white compound that dissolve in water and it is tasteless, about 70 to 180mg is enough to kill an adult!
arsenic(III) oxide
The Marsh test is use to detect arsenic by redox reaction.
Oxidation:         Zn à Zn+2 + 2e
Reduction:        As2O3 + 12e + 6H+1 à 2As-3 + 3 H2O
Noted that the trivalent ion in the oxide is not only the most common form of arsenic but it’s the one that’s most toxic!

Arsenic was found on paint’s pigment also, it is emerald green. This pigment was frequently used by the artist in impressionism. It had caused poisoning in various famous artists such as Cezanne whom developed diabetes, Monet who blinded and Von Gogh’s neurological disorder were partially caused by the usage of emerald green (arsenic contain). 

Van Gogh

Then, there are many famous one being charged death by arsenic. There is no lack of those man on the throne like George III of Great Britain, Napoleon and Emperor Guangxu. 
George III of Great Britain


Emperor Guangxu

Let’s see how it is affected human health! If you are exposing to low dose of arsenic, you are likely to feel nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. In large dose, it cause abnormal heart beat, damage to blood vessels, feeling of “pins and needles” in hand and feet, even death! If it is contact to the skin, it is more likely to cause chemical burn on the contact side. If it is being swallowed, it causes cancer in internal organs such as bladder, kidney, liver and lung.

Although arsenic seems like an evil thing but it actually it is useful in some other way, if it is treated properly. In U.S it is use in woods preservatives, treat syphilis and various tropical diseases.

Thursday 2 June 2011

Contact Lens: Is it worth the risk?

According to Dr. Noah Klein, many patients come to his office complaining of eye redness and eye irritation when wearing their contact lenses. Although they have bought new contact lenses, however the same problem still strike. The problem is with the contact lens solution themselves. Even though there are many high quality lens solution, this won't solve the real problems. Here, everything will be explained.


This type of bacteria is actually a free-living amoeba which will cause permanent blindness of the cornea of the eyes. Most contact lens wearers are at a high risk of being exposed to this bacteria due to insufficient cleaning of their contact lenses. Because of this, Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2), is mainly and commonly used as a microbial disinfectant as it is the most effective. Most wearers were encouraged and advised to have their solutions hydrogen peroxide based and preservative free saline as well.

                                                      Local brand of eye contacts solution


The saline in the solution is designed to clean the lens by removing dirt, external chemicals and residue. Its function is mainly for the storage and cleanliness of the lens before inserting into the eye.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide works to remove unwanted buildup of external substances while the contact lens are in storage. It extracts bacteria such as Acanthamoeba and other external elements that are known to cause eye infections like Conjunctivitis.

                                              Examples of eye irritations and eye infections

Chemicals vs. Tear ducts

Our tear ducts naturally produces protein. For contact lens wearer, proteins released by the tear ducts attaches itself to the contact and can cause dryness. In such cases, an enzyme cleaner/ protein remover is used. Hence, eye drop bottles. Other solutions would be temporary or permanently using tear duct plugs. These can prevent the dryness and allowing the eye to retain more moisture. Temporary plugs are made of collagen and permanent, silicone. Both can be removed if necessary.

Stink Bombs, Sneezing Powder and Mini “pop pop” Firecrackers.

Weapons of War or Just Pranks: Stink Bombs, Sneezing Powder and Mini “pop pop” Firecrackers.


What are they? When are they used?
Stink bombs are devices designed to release an unpleasant foul smell. They are mainly kwon world-wide as a throw-able prank item but they also can be used as a military grade weapon or as a riot control agent.

What is in it?
Low volatile organic compounds are mainly used to make these stink bombs. Below are a lists of chemicals in commonly known to be used in stink bombs and what they smell like:

Chemicals used:
Hydrogen sulfide
Rotten eggs
Skunk spray
Fishy smell

The Guinness Book of Records had listed down the two smelliest compound mixed together by five or more chemicals. One of them is the “US Government Standard Bathroom Malodor”, which is a mix of eight chemicals which results in a stench so bad that it smells like human feces, only more revolting. The other is the “Who Me?”, a mix five sulfur containing chemical compounds and smells like rotting food and carcasses. The former has a long history as it is used in World War II by the French Resistance against German invaders

The Cire Trudon Company

Cire Trudon was founded in 1643, making candles of many different shapes and sizes for the Parisian and royal families. Making its name with scented candles, now, Cire Trudon has made a kind of stink bomb that is different than any other. When broken open, instead of foul nauseous smell, a sweet, delightful scent is released.


What are they? When are they used?

As the name suggests, sneezing powder packages contain powders that, once induced, causes sneezing upon the person. Commercially known as a practical joke item, but it was used in World War II as well. Nowadays, sneezing powders contain only plant properties that may or may not cause any rash, indigestion, fainting, hypotension, heart attacks and other side effects.

What are in them?

Sneezing powders today are harmlessly made from pepper powders, white or black. Before, it was an ingredient known scientifically as Veratrum album (White Hellebore). It was very dangerous as it is a poisonous medical plant as it can paralyze the nervous system.

This certain packet was from the 1940’s. It was first introduced by the Germans in World War I as a chemical weapon and used against the French. Year 1914, the Germans have developed dianisdine salts which then lead to the original sneezing powder chemical, dianisidine. Sneezing powder was originally known as Dianisidine Chlorosulphonate. Governments have banned dianisdine, since even a tiny dose of sneezing powder can cause a full room of people to have a sneezing fit.

What are they and when are they used?

Firecrackers and fireworks originated from China. They were first used as protection to ward off evil spirits. But today, they are famously used in celebrations and events such as Chinese New Year and Hari Raya in Malaysia and in other countries as well. When lit, fireworks will fly to the skies and explode with an enormous BANG!, added with bright colours and fancy designs. Firecrackers are usually tied in a bunch making a pop crackle noise as they explode simultaneously. Firecrackers and fireworks are packed very tightly for pressure built-up for it to work out best.
What are their contents?
These ‘pop-pop’ firecrackers contain a small amount of black powder (traditional gunpowder) and gravel. The gravel in these crackers rubs against each other and causes friction which ‘sets off’ the gunpowder, when it is thrown or stepped on.
Gunpowder, before the 20th century, is made of sulfur, potassium nitrate and charcoal. It can also be made with potassium nitrate and charcoal without the adding of sulfur into it but it wouldn’t be as strong. It is classified as a low explosive.
Gunpowder in military artillery nowadays have been replaced by a powder called “smokeless powder” as they call it because it doesn’t produce an smoke as black powder would have. Its term smokeless doesn’t mean that it has smoke-free properties but its combustion products were mainly gaseous.
Still, nowadays, pop pop firecrackers such as mentioned still uses black powder and gravels.

So Weapons of War Or Just Pranks? You decide.

Acid Splasher

Sounds like I am a barbarian huh? But I am sure that's the exact emotion the victims and their families have right now!
 I wonder how come this crazy man can be roaming free on our streets just like that? What have our corrupt police been
doing besides lustfully raiding those vice dens and massage parlous to catch prostitutes in the act?
Can't PDRM channel more of our police force to nab this cold-blooded criminal? A serial acid splasher is terrorizing the lives of people in KL!
Damn it! All of us especially those residing in KL should be more careful!

Beware of the serial acid splasher in KL!

Last week another 5 innocent victims have been hurt by the acid thrown at them. So far 20 victims have been injured. All are women and girls except a male
school teacher in 8 different incidents over the past 2 months! These crazy attacks happens right in the heart of KL. I wonder where are the cops?
Maybe they are having their long tea break at some mamak stalls! Aren't our most advanced city is equipped with high resolution surveillance cameras?
Or those money has been used to buy cheap 1.0 MP cameras and the rest has been channeled into someone's else pocket? Ok sorry...it's not the time to play the
blame game. 

We must track down this animal as soon as possible. One of the latest victims is a one-year-old helpless baby. See how insane this serial acid splasher is?
Then another victim who was attacked last Friday suffered serious burns which could cause her to lose her eye. People lives are at risk here. 20 victims' future
 has been affected by this animal! All of us should work together to track down this animal before more innocent people are being harmed! 

1. March 2 -
Eight Year 4 and Year 6 pupils and a teacher of SK Bukit Bandaraya in Jalan Bangkung, Bangsar were splashed with a liquid by a motorcyclist 
clad in black. 

2. March 24 -
Two marketing executives were splashed with acid as they were walking along Jalan Tun Sambanthan at 5.30pm.

3. March 25 -
A 25-year-old history teacher, on the way to school, was attacked near the back gate of a school in Jalan Sultan Abdul Samad at 7am.

4. March 26 -
A Frenchman and his female companion became the 13th and 14th victims of a corrosive liquid-splashing attack by a motorcycle duo in 
Jalan Conlay about 3pm. 

5. April 2 -
In Jalan Mantin, Negri Sembilan, a 27-year-old woman and her 18-year-old niece were attacked by two men on a motorcycle 9pm.

6. May 6 -
Two women were splashed with acid when a motorcyclist attacked them from behind in Jalan Pudu Lama at 9pm.

7. May 6 -
Thirty minutes later, a lawyer in her 30s, was attacked near a parking lot in front of The Mall shopping centre in Jalan Putra.

8. May 7 -
A woman and her one-year-old baby were standing in her house compound in Persiaran Titiwangsa when the splasher rode by and threw the liquid at them 
at 3pm. 

This is how a Honda EX5 looks like. 

All of us must be on our toes from now onwards. We must work hand-in-hand to track down this animal. This serial acid splasher is of dark complexion
 and he rides either a Honda EX5 or Yamaha bike with a basket in front. So you should be more careful when you see these 2 types of bike approaching you.
 If you are a woman, a girl....or well just about anyone who is staying in KL-you might want to follow the following guidelines here: 

Always walk facing against the traffic: So that the serial acid splasher will not attack you from the back. Besides that by walking against the traffic you will
have a better chance of avoiding anyone who looks suspicious to you. 

Avoid walking by the side of the road: If possible don't walk at the side of the road at all if it is unnecessary. You will be exposed and make yourself easy target
 for this serial acid splasher. Walk near the building where there are crowded people. 

Always bring along an umbrella: This might sound crazy...but I suggest that you bring along a huge umbrella with you. So whenever you see someone suspicious
approaching you, immediately open that umbrella to shield yourself from any possible attack. Yes! Just open it even though it is not raining. Best of all use
the umbrella all the time. Moreover your umbrella can be a potent weapon for you to defend yourself in dangerous situations. 

Inform the police of any suspicious motorcyclist: Banking on our lazy and inefficient Malaysian police alone is not enough. So the moment you see anyone
 riding a bike with dark complexion and looks suspicious...immediately take down the number plate and inform the police to come over as soon as possible.
Who knows? Your information might lead to the nabbing of this serial acid splasher! 

Put on more clothes: I know the weather is scorching hot right now. But putting on an extra jacket or vest might buy you some time to escape the devastating acid
if *touch wood* you are being splashed! 

Don't go out at all: No matter where you go, try not to walk...at all. If possible don't even go out if you don't have any transport, preferably car. It doesn't matter
 if the sundry shop is only 50 metres away from your home...you don't want to risk being splashed with acid right? So ask your parents, husband or other family members
to ferry you around if you can. 

Use as much water as possible: Water is the best remedy to counter the corrosive acid. The moment someone is being splashed with acid (either it is you or other victims),
 pour as much water as possible onto the affected body parts especially the eyes. Keep on pouring a large amount of water to dilute the acid. Keep on doing this
until the acid has been diluted and washed away. So I suggest all of us to bring a water bottle all the time. 

We don't want this happen to our beloved ones right? :( 

I really, really hope there will be no other innocent people being splashed with this corrosive liquid again. I am sure our police force will do justice to the lives that
have been affected by this serial acid splasher in KL! If you happen to meet this heartless, cowardly serial acid splasher in his act, don't hesitate to alert the police
or nab him. Remember if we don't do anything, this could happen to our beloved ones. We must track him down and kill him! Ok...sounds like I am a savage but
I am sure you get what I mean! We Malaysians must work hand-in-hand to bring down this serial acid splasher in KL. He is an animal! 
Lets spread this - and all do our part to track down this criminal!!!